Assistant Professors Fixed Term

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Time's Students and Informations

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He received his PhD in 2011 at the University of Calabria. He worked on routing problem with preference-based methodology at the National Institute of Teleccomunication in Warsaw under a Regional grant. He visited the LIRMM for three months where he conducted research activities on robust optimization problems under uncertain data. He was invited by several European universities and research centres to give seminars on his research activities. He is a referee for international journals in the fi eld of operation research and management science. He has been tutor and co-tutor for Management Engineering Bachelor and Master degree dissertations.
Selected Publications

L. Di Puglia Pugliese, F. Guerriero, M. Poss, The Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problem with uncertain data: A robust formulation and optimal solution approach, European Journal of Operational Research 276/3 (2019) 971-982
G. Macrina, L. Di Puglia Pugliese, F. Guerriero, G. Laporte, The green mixed fleet vehicle routing problem with partial battery recharging and time windows, Computers and Operations Research 101 (2019) 183-199
M. E. Bruni, L. Di Puglia Pugliese, P. Beraldi, F. Guerriero, An adjustable robust optimization model for the resourceconstrained project scheduling problem with uncertain activity durations, Omega 71 (2017) 66-84
L. Di Puglia Pugliese, F. Guerriero, A Survey of Resource Constrained Shortest Path Problems: Exact Solution Approaches, Networks 62/3 (2013) 183– 200

Lines of Research

Routing problem with resources constraint.
Multi-objective network optimization.
Robust optimization.
Scheduling problems both deterministic and with uncertain data.
Drone placement optimization for security and fi lming sport events.

Thesis Proposals and Topics
Several topics are currently available. Interested students are suggested to drop by during office hours.