Associate Professors

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  •  +39 0984/494677
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  •  Cube 41C - 7th floor
Office Hours

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LAGANA' Demetrio
Born in Reggio Calabria on May 13, 1968, he graduated in Civil Engineering in 1992 at the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. He received a postgraduate master’s degree in 1996 at the Federico II University of Naples and a PhD in Operational Research in 2006 at the University of Calabria. He is visiting professor at: H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Dep. of Logistics and Operations Management, HEC Montreal (CANADA), Dep. de Estadística and Investigación Operativa, University of Valencia (SPAIN).
Selected Publications

Paradiso, R., Roberti, R., Laganà, D., Dullaert, W. (2019). An Exact Solution Framework for Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Windows. OPERATIONS RESEARCH (forthcoming).
Benavent, E., Corberán, Á., Laganà, D., Vocaturo, F. (2019). The periodic rural postman problem with irregular services on mixed graphs. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol. 276, Issue 3, pp. 826-839
Bertazzi, L., Coelho, L.C., De Maio, A., Laganà, D. (2019). A matheuristic algorithm for the multi-depot inventory routing problem. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, Vol. 122, pp. 524-544.
Orlis, C, Laganà, D., Dullaert, W., Vigo, D. (2019). Distribution with Quality of Service Considerations: The Capacitated Routing Problem with Prots and Service Level Requirements. OMEGA, article in press. DOI: 10.1016/

Lines of Research

• Arc Routing Problems
Combinatorial optimization problems in which a fl eet of vehicles must be routed over a logistics network, where required links must be serviced while minimizing the total transportation cost.
• General Routing Problems
Combinatorial optimization problems in which a fl eet of vehicles must be routed over a logistics network, where required links and vertices must be serviced while minimizing the total transportation cost.
• Inventory Routing Problems
Combinatorial problems arising in the context of the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) system, in which the vendor decides on the best replenishment policy of the customers by avoiding stock-out, while respecting their maximum inventory capacity and minimizing the total transportation and inventory cost.

Thesis Proposals and Topics
Several topics are currently available. Interested students are suggested to drop by during office hours.