Department of Mechanical Engineering, Energy Engineering and Management, DIMEG
Activated in November 2012, implementing the Gelmini reform, the Department of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering (DIMEG) is a strategic reference point of the University of Calabria for its teaching, research and technological transfer activities. DIMEG’s offer of courses is based on courses in Mechanical. Energy and Management Engineering. Like DIMEG’s teaching, its scientific research focuses on technological areas, essential for the economic and industrial development of the country and, in particular, of the Calabrian territory. Its mission, therefore, consists in building a training and scientific research model based on high level skills in strategic sectors, with a with a base of corporate and academic relationships that are spread throughout the national territory and beyond in full compliance with the reorganization of the university system introduced by Law 240/2010. DIMEG’s objective is quality which, as well as promoting the excellence of its researcher at an international level, places it as a territorial interlocutor on the subject of product and process innovation, of energy and of complex systems management investing in emerging sectors with a high innovative content and consolidating its leadership in traditional sectors. The department’s research in the sectors of mechanics, energy and management qualifies DIMEG by placing it well in the international scenario, but the department’s vision is also to create territorial development, therefore, significant attention is paid to technology transfer projects to make research become economic value, in order to increase the wealth of the regional, national and European territorial fabric.
Academic Programs
DIMEG offers a number of Academic Programs including Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs and Doctoral Degrees. All the Academic Programs provide the students with a strong theoretical and practical background. The Bachelor degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering provide students with knowledge of complex systems with a strong capacity for analysis, modeling and resolution of problems in the numerous fields of application that characterise the fields of Mechanical and Management Engineering. The Master Degree Programs in Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering train highly qualified engineers capable of executing very diversified duties through education courses that guarantee the knowledge necessary to undertake professional engineering activities. Training also occurs by means of practicals in the numerous departmental laboratories, through Double Degree programs with Foreign Universities and international training periods or internships with approved companies.
Find out more.Management Staff

She obtained a Degree in Management Engineering and a PhD in Engineering of Systems and Computer Sci ...

Angelo Algieri is Assistant Professor of Systems for Energy and Environment. He received the (5-year ...

SALERNO Stefania
SALERNO Stefania
The Department Secretary coordinates the administrative, accounting and financial activities of ...
Teaching Area
Student Office
Cube: 42/C road bridge
Monday to Friday, from 11 am to 12 am
Teaching Area Contacts
Department Secretary
Tel. +39 0984/49Cube 46C - 2nd Floor
Cube: 46/C road bridge
Administration Contacts
Research Area
Tel. +39 0984/494833
Cube 46C - 2nd Floor
Tel. +39 0984/494825
Cube 46C - 2nd Floor